About Me

Hi, I am just making an effort to provide some general information about heart diseases,   heart is the only organ in our body that pumps blood, with life-giving oxygen and nutrients to all tissues of the body. Our life is completely dependent on the efficient functioning of the heart. If the pumping action of the heart becomes inefficient or is disinterrupted, vital organs like the brain and kidneys suffer. Death occurs within minutes if the heart stops working. Improper functioning of heart can affect our body in several ways. There are many kinds of heart disease. But the ultimate problem with all varieties of heart disease is that, in one way or another, they can disrupt the vital pumping action of the heart.

For some people heart disease may be inherited, but on average cases  it’s the result of lifestyle. Changing eating, exercise and smoking habits can play a significant part in prevention.

“When the heart is working as it should, you barely notice it. But when your heart starts acting strangely, you have cause to worry”.